Joseph Goldberg Memorial Scholarship

For Metro NY undergraduate students – preference for arts, human services, or interdisciplinary studies.

Established in memory of Mentor Joseph Goldberg, by his wife Doris Goldberg, this scholarship is available to undergraduate students residing in the five boroughs of New York City. Preference is given to students interested in the study of the arts, human services or interdisciplinary studies who show promise of making an innovative contribution in these fields. The Joseph Goldberg Memorial Scholarship is intended to assist students in the arts, helping professions, social theory or some combination of those areas who have made or show the potential to make significant, socially useful contributions. In addition to meeting the foregoing qualifications, candidates for the scholarship should show successful completion of a minimum of eight credits at Empire State University, and have demonstrated financial need.

Doris Goldberg
Undergraduate Studies
Supplemental Questions
  1. What are your career vocational goals, related to the purposes of this scholarship?
  2. How would a scholarship help you achieve your goals?